Saturday, 4 August 2012

"Transformations" Inaugration picture.....

TRANSFORMATIONS an exhibition...

Amit Harit’s works are expressive of that particular order of beauty in which we can rejoice and that disarms us straightaway. His lines are gently rhythmic and they delight as they are in refreshing colouring in general. One can say that the artist’s  creative  activity succeeds in bringing into life the sense of enlargement; the glimpse of perfection; the touch of feeling that transforms apparently insignificant things into hieroglyphs and codes of illuminating, inspiring and purifying revelations; discoveries and achievements. Therefore his art activity would appear to yield joy to the viewer. The lack of violent wrenchings in his work appears to reflect his own nature.
The general harmony in the spirit of the art seems to communicate, as said above, a measure of purity that makes for affection, as well. Obviously Amit, as artist, is growing in stature. I have seen his development sufficiently to assert this.

Keshav Malik