Saturday, 4 August 2012

mirror to nature exhibition....

Mirror To Nature   Acrylic on Canvas (10)    Size- 48 ×  48

Mirror To Nature   Acrylic on Canvas (9)     Size- 48 ×  48
Mirror To Nature     Acrylic on Canvas (2)        Size- 36 × 48

Mirror To Nature  Acrylic on Canvas (3)    Size- 36 × 48
Mirror To Nature   Acrylic on Canvas (8)    Size- 48 × 48

Mirror To Nature   Acrylic on Canvas (4)      Size- 36 × 48

Mirror To Nature   Acrylic on Canvas (5)   Size- 36 ×48

Mirror To Nature   Acrylic on Canvas (6)    Size- 36 ×48

Mirror To Nature     Acrylic on Canvas (7)      Size- 48 ×48

Mirror To Nature  Acrylic on Canvas (1  Size- 36 ×48

Mirror To Nature    Acrylic on Canvas (11)   Size- 48 × 36


The varied patterns of unfolding life in flowers, plants, grasses: the textures of stones, shells, bark; the sound and movement of water and of bird and insect life; the subtle infection of cloud and mist and the changing sky are still the sources of delight – no matter that civilization is getting inebriated with its mastery of the material world. But this arrogance does not do for the heart of the truer of the artists, for they hear the heartbeat of the earth raptly. It is this steady singing hum that entrances them, and which they yearn to translate into colour and form. Here is their true source of delight.
             Well, painter Amit Harit is doing exactly this. His is a work of lyricity. His lines are drawn from the nuances of nature in her various incarnation .His patterns drawn in the wake of the same. But, as also, he seeks new ways of suggesting the interwoven rhythms by which the visible world is permeated, and tells of something far more deeply interfused which binds together the patterns, say, of shells, the thrust and swell of a flower, the slant of water upon a leaf, the flight of a bird, and a feather’s fall upon the mossy stone.
             These or such like, are the artist’s adventures in the realm of the spirit, or of the seeing eye that recreates what it falls upon .So that his composition do provide moments of felicity to the responsive viewer. Heart’s delight is what all art is about.

                                                                                                        KESHAV MALIK

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